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Restricted Access To Regulatory Documents | 03.28.18


  • Allows Organization Administrator to restrict access to regulatory documents for specific users on their organization roster.


On the Roster page, administrators will have the ability to check or uncheck a box in a new column titled “Can View CB Documents.” If users need access to view regulatory documents, the checkbox must be checked. Users with the role of Student will not have a checkbox in this column.

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker: Restricted Access to Regulatory Documents—Step 1: Checkboxes can be toggled for each name in the roster to show whether or not the user needs access to view regulatory documents.  


Users who do not have access that either attempt to “Preview” regulatory documents or choose “View Document” from the actions drop down menu will see the following message:

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker: Restricted Access to Regulatory Documents—Step 2: A window stating Permission Denied will appear if a user does not have access to preview regulatory documents.