Help Keep Your Students
On Track, On Time

Copy and paste the below text and email it to your students to keep them ahead of the compliance deadline.

Dear Students,

Life gets busy throughout the year, and sometimes things fall through the cracks. Please make sure completing your compliance requirements isn’t one of them!

Your deadline to submit your compliance documents is fast approaching. Each document is reviewed and approved by a human, not just a computer, so you’ll need to make sure you leave enough time for this process to occur.

Please take a moment to review your requirements in your myCB To-Do List, within your CastleBranch account. The earlier you can upload and submit documents ahead of the drop-dead deadline, the better! This will ensure that CastleBranch’s representatives can review your submissions ahead of your deadline.

Did you know? 1 out of 4 documents are initially rejected for failing to meet program requirements. When an item is marked “Rejected,” view the rejection reason by clicking on the “+” icon next to the requirement in question, which will then open a drop down window with the reason and recommended next step.

Don’t wait! Submit your documents as soon as you can to gain compliance and ensure you’re ready for the upcoming semester.

Thank you,
[Insert Name Here]

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