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New Model For Group Placement | 01.25.17


  • Introduces new Group Placement Model that better suits schools and facilities.
  • Accommodates more nursing programs and health care facilities..
  • Helps schools and facilities negotiate placement requests.


School creates a Course Plan, which outlines information about the course that the school is trying to find group placements for, such as program, number of students in course, or required hours per student.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 1: Schools create course plans containing information about the school that needs group placements.


The school submits a Group Placement Request for location and unit, including how many students are in the group request, days of the week, start/end time, start/end dates and instructor for the group.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 2: create request which contains Course Details and Request Details


The facility accepts or declines the Group Placement Request with the ability to enter a comment as to why they declined it, if desired. Please note: Both the school and facility will be able to edit and modify request details such as dates, times, and days of the week.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 3: Facility can accept or decline the Group Placement Request with the option to add a response message.