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Individual Placement | 04.23.18


  • Provides health care facilities, schools and students a model in which to negotiate the matching of an individual student with a qualified preceptor.
  • Allows facilities to create profiles of preceptors they would like to make available to their partnered schools.
  • Allows schools to determine if their students can search and request preceptors.
  • Allows students and schools to search for and request preceptors.


Schools and students view of list of available preceptors. Users can use the filters to search and filter.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 1: Schools and Students View list of available preceptors and can use the filters to search.


User can view details about the preceptor by clicking and expanding the preceptor’s row.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 2: Users can view details about the preceptor by clicking and expanding the preceptor's row.


To request a preceptor, the user can complete the request form. Once submitted, the request will be sent to the facility and unit manager for review. Please note: The student name and preceptor name are not required fields, which allows for general requests to be made now and refined later.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 3: To request a preceptor, the user can complete the request form which is submitted to the facility and unit manager for review. CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 3-1: Please note: the student and preceptor name fields are not required allowing for general requests to be made and refined later.


Users can view a list of their requests in a grid.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 4: Users can view a list of their requests in a grid.


Users can select a row, and a side panel will display the details of the request, allowing users to take action.

CB Bridges™ Clinical Placement Individual Placement—Step 5: Users can select a row and a side panel will display the details of the request allowing users to take action.