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Improved Grouping And Searching | 08.28.18


  • Helps administrators and instructors review checklist items more quickly and efficiently through the ability to "Group" by specific criteria directly from the Pro Advantage Tracker Group Status view.
  • Allows administrators and instructors to quickly and efficiently "Search" by specific criteria directly from the Pro Advantage Tracker Group Status view.


When an administrator clicks on the main Pro Advantage Tracker page, they are directed to the “Group Status” view.  At the top of this page, administrators will now see a “Search” box and a “Group By” box.

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Search By and Group By



Before typing in the Search box, an administrator must click the “Search” dropdown menu to select specific search criteria. They are able to search by “Group Name,” “Checklist Item Name,” “Member Name,” “Rotation Start Date,” “School Name,” “Facility Name,” and “Tag.”

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Search By

For example, an administrator can choose to search “Member Name” from the dropdown menu and type in the person’s name. When the results populate, they can click on the person’s name to expand the view and see the checklist items associated with that person.

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Sort By Member Name Or an administrator can choose to search “Rotation Start Date” from the dropdown menu, and a calendar view will appear where they can select their chosen start date. When the results populate, all clinical experiences that have rotation start dates on or after the chosen date will appear. CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Search by Rotation Calendar Selection


When an administrator would like to “Group” the data displayed on the Pro Advantage Tracker Group Status page, they can click the “Group By” button and choose from the following options: “Term Name,” “Course Name,” “Facility/Location Name,” and “School Name.”

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Group By

For example, if an administrator wants to group their clinical experiences by term, they will choose “Term Name” from the dropdown menu. The administrator can then collapse and expand each term name. CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Sort By Term Name  


When an administrator would like to revert back to the original Pro Advantage Tracker Group Status view, they can click the “Clear All” button to clear all searching and grouping criteria.

CB Bridges™ Pro Advantage Tracker Enhancements Improved Grouping and Searching Clear All Button